The Celestial Reasoning Society


The Celestial Reasoning Society is an extension of the Museum of Post-Traditional. It exists as a physical space, but also serves as a platform to explore identity within the conditions of post-traditional culture. To kickstart the discussion, four Peranakans—both half and full—in their twenties were invited to view the artworks in the Museum of Post-Traditional. Their thoughts are compiled into a book, and placed in the museum for others to read. By piquing the reader’s interest in these Peranakans’ unique perspectives, the book encourages them to question preconceived assumptions within their own culture.

An introduction to what the platform is about

A collection of responses of four members and concluding texts for each conceptual zone

A short write-up about the platform and invite to a self-initiated reflexive project

A questionnaire and form as part of reflection at the end of the museum walk-through